Faith News

sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

The Theory of Happiness

Matthew 22: 15-22 Jesus tells the Pharisees to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to give to God what belongs to God! Paul tells the Thessalonians to exhort in Presence, Power, Passion by giving our best to God— then we find happiness in the way of God’s holiness in our lives!!

Matthew 22: 15-22 –  Jesus tells the Pharisees to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to give to God what belongs to God! Paul tells the Thessalonians to exhort in Presence, Power, Passion by giving our best to God— then we find happiness in the way of God’s holiness in our lives!!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 29 – The Theory of Happiness

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Accept the Invitation and Rejoice!

Matthew 22:1-14; Philippians 4: 1-9 Jesus tells the parable of the Kings Invitation to the Banquet— Paul tells us how to live rejoicing!— receive Christ’s invitation.

Matthew 22:1-14; Philippians 4: 1-9 Jesus tells the parable of the Kings Invitation to the Banquet— Paul tells us how to live rejoicing!— receive Christ’s invitation.


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 28 – Accept the Invitation and Reoice!

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan


Matthew 21:33-46 tells the story of the “ wicked tenants” and how they showed greed and worked some evil to try and get what they wanted. Jesus was trying to show that we are to be good stewards of all that God has given and do God’s good works on earth!

Matthew 21:33-46 tells the story of the “ wicked tenants” and how they showed greed and worked some evil to try and get what they wanted. Jesus was trying to show that we are to be good stewards of all that God has given and do God’s good works on earth!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 27 – Uprising!

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Faithfulness and Honesty in Relationships with God and Others

Matthew 21: 28-32 is known as “ The Parable of the Two Sons.” Jesus taught us to be faithful and honest! We look to the scriptures for guidance in fulfilling life’s demands. * Special thanks to President Jimmy Carter for “Sources of Strength.”

Matthew 21: 28-32 is known as “ The Parable of the Two Sons.” Jesus taught us to be faithful and honest! We look to the scriptures for guidance in fulfilling life’s demands. * Special thanks to President Jimmy Carter for “Sources of Strength.”


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 26 – Faithfulness and Honesty in Relationships with God and Others

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Late to the Dance!

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the “Laborers in the Vineyard.” Jesus gives the controversial and shocking notion that those who are late in being hired receive the same wages as those who came early. Essentially, Jesus is telling us it is never too late to come to God! I think it’s better to make it to the last dance than not to have danced at all! God is truly gracious!

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the “Laborers in the Vineyard.” Jesus gives the controversial and shocking notion that those who are late in being hired receive the same wages as those who came early. Essentially, Jesus is telling us it is never too late to come to God! I think it’s better to make it to the last dance than not to have danced at all! God is truly gracious!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 25 – Late to the Dance!

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

The Courageous First Step of Reconciliation!

Jesus tells the parable of forgiveness and reconciliation. The message is clear if we expect to be forgiven, we must forgive! ( Special thanks to President Jimmy Carter for his

“ Sources of Strength” devotional stories).

Jesus tells the parable of forgiveness and reconciliation. The message is clear if we expect to be forgiven, we must forgive! ( Special thanks to President Jimmy Carter for his “ Sources of Strength” devotional stories).


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 24 – The Courageous First Step of Reconciliation!

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

What Is Required of Me?

In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us to forgive ( as is a common theme). What should we do in a church situation, family situation, societal situations, etc. We should strive to reconcile when possible!

In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us to forgive ( as is a common theme). What should we do in a church situation, family situation, societal situations, etc. We should strive to reconcile when possible!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 23 – What Is Required of Me?

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Out do each other!

The Apostle Paul tells us how we should treat each other in all situations. Jesus taught us the same. Special thanks to President Jimmy Carter for passages from his book,

“ Sources of Strength!” Let’s out do each other in doing good works and treating people as we would like to be treated!

The Apostle Paul tells us how we should treat each other in all situations. Jesus taught us the same. Special thanks to President Jimmy Carter for passages from his book, “ Sources of Strength!” Let’s out do each other in doing good works and treating people as we would like to be treated!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 22 – Out Do Each Other!

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Team Jesus!

Jesus asks his Disciples who do people say that I am? They give the usual responses of being John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or some other prophet. Simon the son of Jonah declares that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God! Jesus calls Simon, Peter ( which means rock), and proceeds to tell him that upon this rock, “ I will build my church!”

Traditionally Pentecost is considered the birthday of the Christian Church; however, some commentators say this moment was actually when Jesus declared the birth of His Church. We will take a look at what is this new “ Community of Faith and Love” Jesus proclaimed and its relevance to the entire world.

Jesus asks his Disciples who do people say that I am? They give the usual responses of being John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or some other prophet. Simon the son of Jonah declares that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God! Jesus calls Simon, Peter ( which means rock), and proceeds to tell him that upon this rock, “ I will build my church!” Traditionally Pentecost is considered the birthday of the Christian Church; however, some commentators say this moment was actually when Jesus declared the birth of His Church. We will take a look at what is this new “ Community of Faith and Love” Jesus proclaimed and its relevance to the entire world.


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 21 – Team Jesus!

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Desperately Seeking Help!

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is confronted by a Canaanite woman pleading for her daughter’s healing. Jesus is 50 from Galilee, which he walked on foot with his disciples. Canaanites as considered of the worse of Gentiles by the Jews. Jesus hears the pleas for help from the woman and commends her for her great faith and heals her daughter!

Desperate faith at work!

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is confronted by a Canaanite woman pleading for her daughter’s healing. Jesus is 50 from Galilee, which he walked on foot with his disciples. Canaanites as considered of the worse of Gentiles by the Jews. Jesus hears the pleas for help from the woman and commends her for her great faith and heals her daughter! Desperate faith at work!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 20 – Desperately Seeking Help!

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Confronting Our Fears

Known as the story of Jesus walking on the water and calls Peter out to join him on the stormy waters. Many have degraded Peter because he was walking and began to sink. The inference is Peter began to sink because he took his eyes off Jesus and lost faith. I give Peter kudos because he faced a fear and went out on faith to meet Jesus. How many of us have actually walked on water— if only a few steps? I think the idea of facing our fears comes to mind. Many of us have unreasonable fears— phobias if you will. Some have fears because of previous experiences or being told we can do certain things. Facing our fears with the power of the One who tell us not to be afraid because he has overcome the world is a great comfort and motivator! Clearly, we all have doubts and fears. There can be a “ healthy amount of fear” especially in the times of a pandemic. We have been given brains and expected to use good judgment in making decisions. God is with us always is the take away and God will see us through our most fearful of times!

Known as the story of Jesus walking on the water and calls Peter out to join him on the stormy waters. Many have degraded Peter because he was walking and began to sink. The inference is Peter began to sink because he took his eyes off Jesus and lost faith. I give Peter kudos because he faced a fear and went out on faith to meet Jesus. How many of us have actually walked on water— if only a few steps?  I think the idea of facing our fears comes to mind. Many of us have unreasonable fears— phobias if you will. Some have fears because of previous experiences or being told we can do certain things. Facing our fears with the power of the One who tell us not to be afraid because he has overcome the world is a great comfort and motivator! Clearly, we all have doubts and fears. There can be a “ healthy amount of fear” especially in the times of a pandemic. We have been given brains and expected to use good judgment in making decisions. God is with us always is the take away and God will see us through our most fearful of times!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 19 – Confronting Our Fears

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Say What, Jesus?

Commonly known as the “Feeding of the Five Thousand“ in the Gospels, we find that there is more to the story. First, the text says there were 5,000 plus the women and children. Most theologians estimate 15,000 to 20,000 persons were present. Much to their surprise and objection,  Jesus tells his disciples to have the crowd to sit down and they will be fed! The disciples told Jesus they had only five loaves of bread and two fish; it was impossible to feed them. 

Commonly known as the “Feeding of the Five Thousand“ in the Gospels, we find that there is more to the story. First, the text says there were 5,000 plus the women and children. Most theologians estimate 15,000 to 20,000 persons were present. Much to their surprise and objection,  Jesus tells his disciples to have the crowd to sit down and they will be fed! The disciples told Jesus they had only five loaves of bread and two fish; it was impossible to feed them. 

Jesus had compassion and instructed his disciples to bring what they had, and he blessed the five loaves and two fish and the multitude was fed. Ten baskets of leftovers were taken up!

Some say this is a hyperbole —others a miracle. The story illustrates several possibilities. 1. Jesus fed them by meeting their spiritual needs. 2. He organized them to share with each other with what they had among them. 3. A true miracle was performed by multiplying the 5 loaves and 2 fish. 

I think think the take away is the compassion that Jesus showed after a difficult day of hearing of John the Baptist’s death, he sought solitude. The crowd walked around the lake to catch up with Jesus who left for a quiet place on the other side of the lake. Jesus saw their determination and their needs. The disciples wanted to send them away. Personally, I think whether a literal miracle, organizing to share, or meeting their spiritual needs is not the main points — except Jesus did all of those things with

 “ what they had and told his disciples to bring what they had!” God does extraordinary things when we make our talents, gifts, prayers, hearts, and all we have availed for the hungry world around us! 


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 18 – Say What, Jesus?

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Our Greatest Treasure!

Jesus tells of parable of someone finding a great treasure and burying in a field. The person then sells everything else and comes back to buy the whole field. The parable reveals that what is most important is the Kingdom of Heaven. Our treasure should be greater than things; rather, we should value all that God has given us particularly family, friends, health, and all the joys of a Spirit filled life!

Matthew 13: 44-46

Jesus tells of parable of someone finding a great treasure and burying in a field. The person then sells everything else and comes back to buy the whole field.  The parable reveals that what is most important is the Kingdom of Heaven. Our treasure should be greater than things; rather, we should value all that God has given us particularly family, friends, health, and all the joys of a Spirit filled life!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 17 – Our Greatest Treasure

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Careful with the Weeds!

Jesus tell the parable of dealing with weeds after planting to good seeds. The story reveals an enemy brought in the seeds. The worker’s reaction was to pull up the weeds, but Jesus warns that one can pull up the good plants with the good weeds. Jesus says let them grow together and the weeds can be separated later. Haste can be unwise in the growth process. In God’s time, disciples are made. God is a Master designer. Through discipleship, scripture, prayer, and leading of the Holy Spirit, believers become clearly recognizable. In the end, God makes the decision about weeds—thank God for Grace!

Matthew 13: 24-43

Jesus tell the parable of dealing with weeds after planting to good seeds.  The story reveals an enemy brought in the seeds. The worker’s reaction was to pull up the weeds, but Jesus warns that one can pull up the good plants with the good weeds.  Jesus says let them grow together and the weeds can be separated later. Haste can be unwise in the growth process. In God’s time, disciples are made. God is a Master designer. Through discipleship, scripture, prayer, and leading of the Holy Spirit, believers become clearly recognizable.  In the end, God makes the decision about weeds—thank God for Grace!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 16 – Careful with the Weeds!

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

Dirt and Grace

The Parable of Jesus of sowing seeds on and in various kinds of soil. Jesus reminds us that rocky, stony soil doesn’t offer good returns. Possibly, the hard- hearted is not the good soil. Then, Jesus talks about better soil that may produce fast growing plants, which may wither too quickly. Even well-rooted plants can be compared to distracted disciples. The goal is to be “Good Dirt—Blessed by God’s Grace!” A seed in the gracious strength of God that produces strong disciples of Jesus!

Matthew 13: 1-9,18-23

The Parable of Jesus of sowing seeds on and in various kinds of soil.  Jesus reminds us that rocky, stony soil doesn’t offer good returns. Possibly, the hard- hearted is not the good soil. Then, Jesus talks about better soil that may produce fast growing plants, which may wither too quickly.  Even well-rooted plants can be compared to distracted disciples. The goal is to be “Good Dirt—Blessed by God’s Grace!” A seed in the gracious strength of God that produces strong disciples of Jesus!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 15 – Dirt and Grace

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

God is Watching Us!

It’s the third Sunday after Pentecost! This is Reverend Sid Chapman's sermon for Sunday, June 21st, 2020. While this marks the fifteenth week that the congregation of Faith United Methodist in Riverdale, Georgia, have not held physical services due to the COVID-19 pandemic we currently plan to reopen NEXT SUNDAY – June 28th. We will be following strict social distancing rules. Please bring a mask if you plan to attend our service.

It’s the third Sunday after Pentecost! This is Reverend Sid Chapman's sermon for Sunday, June 21st, 2020. While this marks the fifteenth week that the congregation of Faith United Methodist in Riverdale, Georgia, have not held physical services due to the COVID-19 pandemic we currently plan to reopen NEXT SUNDAY – June 28th. We will be following strict social distancing rules. Please bring a mask if you plan to attend our service.


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 14 – God is Watching Us

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

How Many Cups Have You Given?

It’s the second Sunday after Pentecost! This is Reverend Sid Chapman's sermon for Sunday, June 14th, 2020. While this marks the fourteenth week that the congregation of Faith United Methodist in Riverdale, Georgia, have not held physical services due to the COVID-19 pandemic we currently plan to reopen on June 28th. We will follow strict social distancing rules.

It’s the second Sunday after Pentecost! This is Reverend Sid Chapman's sermon for Sunday, June 14th, 2020. While this marks the fourteenth week that the congregation of Faith United Methodist in Riverdale, Georgia, have not held physical services due to the COVID-19 pandemic we currently plan to reopen on June 28th. We will follow strict social distancing rules.


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 13 – How Many Cups Have You Given?

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

God is One; May We Be One!

It’s the first Sunday after Pentecost – Trinity Sunday! This is the day we recognize our Almighty and everlasting God, who revealed himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, living ever and reigning in the perfect unity of love. This is Reverend Sid Chapman's sermon for Sunday, June 7th, 2020. This marks the thirteenth week that the congregation of Faith United Methodist in Riverdale, Georgia, have not held physical services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that you will stay safe and well until our family and community may all reunite safely at Faith!!

It’s the first Sunday after Pentecost – Trinity Sunday! This is the day we recognize our Almighty and everlasting God, who revealed himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, living ever and reigning in the perfect unity of love. This is Reverend Sid Chapman's sermon for Sunday, June 7th, 2020. This marks the thirteenth week that the congregation of Faith United Methodist in Riverdale, Georgia, have not held physical services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that you will stay safe and well until our family and community may all reunite safely at Faith!!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 12 – God is One; May We Be One

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

The Wind Is Blowing !

Fifty days after Easter we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles. This is Reverend Sid Chapman's sermon for Sunday, May 31, 2020. This marks the twelfth week that the congregation of Faith United Methodist in Riverdale, Georgia, have not held services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that you will stay safe and well until our family and community may all reunite safely at Faith!!

Fifty days after Easter we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles. This is Reverend Sid Chapman's sermon for Sunday, May 31, 2020. This marks the twelfth week that the congregation of Faith United Methodist in Riverdale, Georgia, have not held services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that you will stay safe and well until our family and community may all reunite safely at Faith!!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 11 – The Wind is Blowing

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sermons Andrew Duncan sermons Andrew Duncan

How Well Did You Do in Your Interview?

Forty days after Easter we celebrate an important episode in the life of Jesus: his ascension into Heaven. Today, many United Methodist congregations recognize Jesus' ascension during regular worship services on Ascension Sunday, the Sunday immediately following Ascension Day (which was this past Thursday, this year). This is Reverend Sid Chapman's sermon for Sunday, May 24, 2020. This marks the eleventh week that the congregation of Faith United Methodist in Riverdale, Georgia, have not held services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that you will stay safe and well until our family and community may all reunite safely at Faith!!

Forty days after Easter we celebrate an important episode in the life of Jesus: his ascension into Heaven. Today, many United Methodist congregations recognize Jesus' ascension during regular worship services on Ascension Sunday, the Sunday immediately following Ascension Day (which was this past Thursday, this year). This is Reverend Sid Chapman's sermon for Sunday, May 24, 2020. This marks the eleventh week that the congregation of Faith United Methodist in Riverdale, Georgia, have not held services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that you will stay safe and well until our family and community may all reunite safely at Faith!!


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 10 – How Well Did You Do in Your Interview?

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