Say What, Jesus?

Commonly known as the “Feeding of the Five Thousand“ in the Gospels, we find that there is more to the story. First, the text says there were 5,000 plus the women and children. Most theologians estimate 15,000 to 20,000 persons were present. Much to their surprise and objection,  Jesus tells his disciples to have the crowd to sit down and they will be fed! The disciples told Jesus they had only five loaves of bread and two fish; it was impossible to feed them. 

Jesus had compassion and instructed his disciples to bring what they had, and he blessed the five loaves and two fish and the multitude was fed. Ten baskets of leftovers were taken up!

Some say this is a hyperbole —others a miracle. The story illustrates several possibilities. 1. Jesus fed them by meeting their spiritual needs. 2. He organized them to share with each other with what they had among them. 3. A true miracle was performed by multiplying the 5 loaves and 2 fish. 

I think think the take away is the compassion that Jesus showed after a difficult day of hearing of John the Baptist’s death, he sought solitude. The crowd walked around the lake to catch up with Jesus who left for a quiet place on the other side of the lake. Jesus saw their determination and their needs. The disciples wanted to send them away. Personally, I think whether a literal miracle, organizing to share, or meeting their spiritual needs is not the main points — except Jesus did all of those things with

 “ what they had and told his disciples to bring what they had!” God does extraordinary things when we make our talents, gifts, prayers, hearts, and all we have availed for the hungry world around us! 


Podcast: Season 1 Episode 18 – Say What, Jesus?


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